Houses of Parliament
Strategy and Vision Development: Parliamentary Heritage and Library Collections
CAO was commissioned by the Houses of Parliament Heritage Collections to undertake an inaugural programme of work to develop Parliament’s first strategy and vision brief for the Parliamentary Heritage and Library Collections.
The objective of the project was to agree a collective vision for heritage at Parliament that would help inform and direct future operating models and strategic plans, and also enable the development of user requirements for changes to the estate, such as the restoration of the Palace.
This vision needed to recognise both the uniqueness of Parliament’s six collections and their historical and cultural significance, as well as their importance as functioning public assets, that serve a range of stakeholders, all with their own specific requirements.
The vision needed to recognise both the uniqueness of Parliament’s six collections and their historical and cultural significance, as well as their importance as functioning public assets, that serve a range of stakeholders, all with their own specific requirements.
This multi-faceted project involved engagement with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders, surveys and consultation, facilitated in-person and online workshops and roundtables and led to the development of a clear vision and set of guiding principles to guide how the team will work to promote its Collections internally but also with a range of external partners with the aim of engaging a wider range of audiences. CAO were then commissioned to develop a subsequent communications and audience plan to support the agreed strategy.