GP and Associate Professor
Dr Kamal Mahtani
Kamal is a GP and Associate Professor at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford. Kamal’s research and teaching activities mainly focus on leading and translating evidence-informed innovation into improved patient care delivery.
With the move towards more integrated health and social care in the community, Kamal leads a broad programme of interdisciplinary research, that uses a variety of evaluation methods, on building stronger links between the health, cultural and social care sectors. He co-leads the Oxford Social Prescribing Research Network, which has several flagship projects. This includes leading a significant project, funded by the UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council, on how the cultural sector can support the health and wellbeing of older populations through social prescribing. He has also led work on how Gardens, Libraries and Museums can improve health and wellbeing.
Kamal has a passion for building capacity through teaching and training. He directs the Oxford Primary Care Research Leadership Programme and provides leadership training on more bespoke programmes. Recognising the importance of evidence synthesis in translating evidence into practice and policy, Kamal also directs a Masters in Systematic Reviews at the University of Oxford.
Kamal has been recognised locally and nationally for providing oversight and chairmanship for several interdisciplinary committees. He also has expertise in developing networks between patients and the public, academics and broader stakeholders, including service providers and policymakers.
Kamal has provided over a decade of clinical service as a part-time NHS GP and continues to work in a semi-rural practice in Oxfordshire.