
Kiah Rutz is a Researcher for Cultural Associates Oxford. She has a broad knowledge of the cultural sector and a strong interest in its promotion.

Kiah undertook her BA in Classical Archaeology at UCL, during which she developed research interests in Roman imperialism, infrastructure in antiquity, hybridity and archaeology as urban and cultural heritage. She then obtained an MPhil in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology from the University of Oxford. There, she studied materials and objects as part of the museum and the museum as part of urban (or even national) cultural infrastructure. The subject of her thesis, which she approached through a visual and material lens, was Liverpool Chinatown, its global connection to other Chinatowns and Liverpool’s city-wide orientation towards China.

She also has experience with international collaborations through her work on archaeological and heritage projects in China, Switzerland and England. In between her two degrees, she supported the Federal Department of Archaeology in Switzerland where she was able to combine her interests in artefacts with cultural policy-making.

Kiah speaks Mandarin, Swiss German, German, English, French, and Spanish.

Outside of academia, art and sport are an important part of her life. While she enjoys the meditative aspect of weaving, drawing and painting, she also takes pleasure in the physicality and dynamism of football. She has been playing football since she was 10 and has represented both UCL Women's 1sts and the Oxford Blues. The promotion of women’s football and the accessibility of football as a sport are issues for which she is an advocate.  


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